Anyone Want to Give a Shout-Out to Their Favorite Patio?

Okay Winnipeg, we made it through another season of Mother Nature’s brutality. It’s no wonder that everyone we know is using the warmer temps as an excuse to run to their favourite outdoor patio on Corydon Ave. I, myself, spent a good 30 minutes this morning in the backyard throwing the tennis ball with the dog, soaking up the sun, and making plans for which patios we’re going to hit throughout this noticeably warmer weekend. (The yardwork can wait)

We’re liking the idea of Saffron’s, and the outdoor tables at Kristina’s makes me very happy for a late afternoon chit-chat.  Then, of course, there’s Bar Italia, the tables at Café 22, and so on and so on. We could go on for weeks.

How about you? When the temperate kicks up and lunchtime, happy hour, or dinnertime calls, where would your friends be most likely to find you?

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